Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Stay Hydrated and Help Your Teeth During this Hot Weather!

The hot weather is still lingering, which means we need to stay hydrated!  Dehydration can easily happen during the stifling summer in Arizona.  Be sure to always keep water with you at all times to avoid this.  As a dental office we prefer tap water because of the fluoride that is present. 

Fluoride can possibly help prevent and even undo the beginning stages of tooth decay.  According to, Fluoride can prevent the bacteria in plaque from dissolving tooth enamel, which in the end creates acid.  Damaged teeth caused by acid can potentially be repaired by Fluoride.  In the end, Fluoride keeps your enamel strong and solid!

So before leaving the house be sure to fill up a water bottle with tap water to hydrate and keep your teeth strong and healthy!        

Call one of our NINE locations for an appointment!

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